With a number of upcoming awareness days and events this month based on sharing our experiences, coping with life's struggles and reaching out for help, we've taken a closer look at Action For Happiness's 'Jump Back June'. We may not be able to control what happens around us or in our lives, but we can choose how we respond...

'Jump Back July' is AFH's latest monthly campaign, designed to help you find ways to build your resilience in challenging times.

We know many people in our local community face challenges every day. From low income to housing issues, health struggles, disabilities and more. Care Network are here to help, by signposting you to organisations that can support.

We also run a number of our own support groups and drop-in services at the Care Network Hub, our friendly and inclusive community centre. However we recognise that it's not just accessing support that's needed to help local people to live happy, healhty independent lives.

In order to get the most from our day-to-day experiences we need to each build resilience and find the positives or small moments of joy every day. Psychological resilience is the ability to cope mentally and emotionally with a crisis, challenge or struggle, enabling us to return to the 'pre-crisis' status quickly and efficiently.

Action For Happiness have created this quick video to help you find out more and see what Jump Back July is all about:

Take a look at this month's Action For Happiness Calendar below, which is full of tips and ideas to help you liver your best, most resilient life this July, and jump back up after life's challenges. Please feel free to share this with your friends, family and colleagues and help build a happier, kinder community in BwD...

The 'Every Mind Matters' campaign from the NHS is another great, free resource to help you take care of your mental health and build resilience. Click the button below to find out more:

NHS Every Mind Matters